The S-Tech YouTube channel is the first step in fulfilling a life long desire to create a technology based business around educational projects, honest reviews, and creative community discussions. The Slagle-Tech website is the natural next addition to that goal.
My name is James Slagle, the creator and host of Slagle-Tech. This site tries to bring interesting and relevant content into your world, and there is truly something for everyone to enjoy. Keep exploring through the videos, forum and pages on this site to discover what we have to offer.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Meet the Team
The team at S-Tech currently consists of the following.. um 1 person and a chat-bot held together with the equivalent of digital duct-tape.
My Dream & Goal For S-Tech
- A Rant By James
My long-term vision of Slagle-Tech is to eventually have one central location supporting multiple YouTube channels for creators like myself and team members to utilize. The location will have dedicated sets for each channel.
A mostly overhead camera view for the main S-Tech channel (Unboxing, product reviews, coding, & everything you can currently see now .)
A podcast/discussion section for more informal talk with team members, behind the scenes, and more.
An additional project not fully finalized.
I also envision additional studio set-ups for family members and also youth in the community to utilize. I have a history with working with troubled youth and families in my area and would like to supply a resource for kids to use afterschool or on weekends. I envision youth interested in video making could come into the studio and spend time expressing themselves on a camera, learning to edit their own videos, and feeling proud showing them to friends and family. This should increase their self-confidence, give some positive goals, and reduce the likely hood of them getting into trouble... I hope.
I know that that goal is very optimistic, and I have set a long list of road markers I need to reach prior to achieving it. That list includes but is not limited to:
Being able to support myself & my family through just S-Tech related means. (Video, affiliate, website & membership revenue)
Create a supportive community that encourages discussions and involvement in the videos.
Expand the production quality of the videos along with the consistency of good videos.
I would like to have S-tech become built and supported by the community as much as possible, with no sponsored videos or topics needed. If I review something I am giving 100% my opinion. My opinion could be wrong or even strange, but it will never be purchased.
If you made it this far into my rant, then consider joining the community in the forum.