7 Inch Mini Laptop
Seems to me that it's not a legit copy of Windows that comes preinstalled--that doesn't necessarily bother me, but I just want to know if there's anything else sketchy going on. I understand security's a spectrum, but I don't want to needlessly expose myself within reason.
On a similar note, I thought about just avoiding the OS altogether. I'm interested in trying out Mint XFCE, but my attempts to use VirtualBox to run it in a VM failed miserably and immediately. Has anyone had success running Mint bare metal or on a USB?
Alternatively, what's the most compatible distro that just works? I've flipped through some other posts but wonder if anything's changed by late 2024 (I have a N4000). I'm ok with fixing the screen (seems painless enough) and maybe even reinstalling some drivers, but would rather not make a job out of this (if it can be avoided).