I am trying to run linux on that thing, sound doesn't work, touchscreen doesn't work, the two mouse buttons on the keyboard are actually keyboard keys so I had to find a very janky solution to actually use them as mouse buttons (using xautomation and xbindkeys, I refuse to believe no better solution exist)
also the screen is sideways by default which is kinda funny but an easy fix actually
all I can find about that display is that it's a 800*1280 screen connected over DSI I got no serial number and the EDID file seem to be zero bytes long
it's without a doubt a screen that was originally meant for like android tablets or something and the screen is in portrait mode by default but that's all I know about it
I'll drop the result of the lshw command but as you'll see the vendor name on that motherboard literally is "Default string" lmao
I am trying to run linux on that thing, sound doesn't work, touchscreen doesn't work, the two mouse buttons on the keyboard are actually keyboard keys so I had to find a very janky solution to actually use them as mouse buttons (using xautomation and xbindkeys, I refuse to believe no better solution exist)
also the screen is sideways by default which is kinda funny but an easy fix actually
apart from that everything seems fine