Hello all, I am new here, but just purchased the 7 inch N4000 which is slightly different to the other J4105 model. The first difference is, it appears to be fan-less. Secondly, the BIOS is locked down to the point that no settings persist a reboot. This being said, I have had luck installing Ubuntu 24 with full functionality. So I wanted to share some advise for anyone doing the same. 1. Booting into a USB
After installing your Ubuntu 24 ISO onto the USB, plug it into the back (important) port. Press the DEL try on startup to get into BIOS. Then under "Save & Exist" select the Boot Bypass USB device at the bottom.
2. Installing Ubuntu
For the most part this is easy and no issues here. Just follow the onscreen instructions
3. Screen rotation
Personally, I just used the built in Display Settings menu. Then selected Portrait Left for the orientation. the only issue with this, is that it wont affect the initial Login screen. Personally, I have auto-login on boot which resolves this. (I will update this part once I have time to mess around with Wayland) 4. Sound No issues here, worked out the box! 5. Touch Screen This also worked fine after installation, both on X11 and Wayland. But, when the laptop comes out of Suspend the touchscreen driver becomes unresponsive. the way to resolve this is to create a systemd service which restarts the is how! Here is how (/path/to/ should be replaced) 5a. First create /path/to/reboot_goodix.sh with the following: #!/bin/bash
sudo modprobe -r goodix_ts
sleep 2
sudo modprobe goodix_ts 5b. Then make it executable with: chmod +x /path/to/restart_goodix.sh 5c. Now make a service: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/restart-goodix.service Add the content: [Unit]
Description=Restart Goodix Touchscreen Driver
WantedBy=sleep.target 6. Mouse Buttons this was a painful experience with Wayland as xdotool and xmodmap were not working. Instead, install input-mapper and launch input-mapper-gtk and edit the keyboard config. You can record a button, left click, then tie to a mouse event, mouse BTN_LEFT By default left click is tied to KP_Begin and right click tied to Menu. 7. Temperatures They were quite high and a stress test hit around 75c which wasnt ideal as there isnt a fan. I ended up purchasing 5mm Thermal pads and covering as much of the copper plate sitting on the CPU as possible. I also replaced the stock Thermal Paste with Thermal grizzly extreme. My max temps after 1hour stress test is now around 60c. I hoped this helps someone! I will add more information as time goes on :)
I installed ubuntu on the J4105 and sadly my touchscreen didn't work :c
Sorry for my bad english. To change the bootlogo/login screen rotation try using the UMPC script for Ubuntu Mate [https://github.com/wimpysworld/umpc-ubuntu] (unfortunately it breaks touch precision in login screen). Before using the script make a system backup because the script is a bit outdated and at least in Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon using the "disable" command it doesn´t revert changes at all. And change the line UMPC="gpd-pocket3" with UMPC="topjoy_falcon" it works in the J4105 mode.