I don't think everyone is currently planning on using a voice from Eleven Labs, or are you?
I am currently using an much older voice from IVONA (Which was purchased and incorperated into Amazon AWS's Polly program).
IVONA registers as a Windows SAPI5 voice file and can only be used on Windows Machines. (If you know a way to get this to work on Linux let me know please.)
I bought my voice through a complany called HARPO, becasue all the IVONA voices need to have a product key to become activated. You can try them for 30 days but after that trial they will become unresponsive. {NOTE: I have heard that there are places where you can get a product key for these voices for free. BE CAREFUL!! I "have a friend" that in the past tried to download one of those keys and the speech program in the past. And what was downloaded set off every alert on their virus checker at that time. }
You also get a voice program with the purchase called MiniSpeech. You have to install both the voice file and a "player for it" to initially get it to work. You don't need to play the voice through the player, you can do that through python code, but it seemed to need to be present on your pc prior to your first code run to register it with windows correctly. (Yay Windows. 🙄)
After that you just modify the code in your Speech definiton.
engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
and cylce the "voices[#].id" to find the voice.
Atleast that's how I was able to get my JARVIS's voice to what I use.
What do you do?
Thanks for the help